Friday, July 2, 2010

What a WONDERFUL Husband!

I know, I know, I know. Today you came onto this blog while thinking, "I just really want to know how perfect Matthew Lowry Beynon is as a husband." WELL, today is your lucky day because I'm going to tell you all about him!
SO yesterday, Matt came to visit me at work to check it out and see what it's like. I hadn't eaten since breakfast and it was now time for lunch and SILLY me didn't bring lunch! Even though Matt was busy getting things together for Summer Music Fest, a show that was later on in the evening, he went home and made me a sandwich. Not only did he make me a sandwich, he also brought me a few things to put on it just in case I'd prefer them! (annnnd he brought me a grapefruit! YUM) Since he was a busy worker bee, he had forgotten to bring some of my art supplies so I could finish up on some of the art homework I had while waiting for customers to stroll in...which wasn't even a big deal. Matt, the sweetheart that he is, CAME BACK immediately after he was done running errands with a whole bunch of micron pens, and pencils, and erasers, AND he brought his homework so he could stay and spend more time with me!
Yesterday was jam packed with one thing after another and as soon as I got out of work at 6:00 p.m., I had to rush home to meet a hair appointment that I was suppose to BE AT for 6:00p.m. When I finally got home, which seemed to take forever because I was walking, I was greeted by a sparkling clean home! Matt had somehow found the time to clean the kitchen, vacuum, FIX the vacuum, do the dishes, and start the laundry!
If you are thinking, "WOW, what more could this man do?!" I have more to tell.
After the wonderful suprise, it's amazing how awesome the little things are, I rushed over to my friends apartment and apologized a trillion times for being a HALF AN HOUR late! Thank goodness she is such a sweet and forgiving girl. It was a simple trim, and so I was in and out and on my way to go see the sweet show that Matt TOTALLY invented. I love this part. Before the show there was a meeting with the managers and the performers...and I got to sneak in. It was fun to see my husband talking everyone through the show and pumping them up! It was even more fun to watch him and Kyle Redfearn MC the show.
Well there ya go. My husband is officially found guilty of being the perfect husband. How lucky am I?!

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