Sunday, September 23, 2012

Busy little bees we are.

The past few weeks have been busy to say the least. School has started and it is an interesting puzzle to try and figure out how everything is going to work out. Have you ever thought, "Why aren't there just like 10 more hours in the day?" I've been feeling like that quite a bit lately. Thankfully I have my amazing husband who is there to pick me up when I start to stumble and is constantly asking me how he could help to make things easier. Everyone needs someone like that in their life. :)

For me, classes started two weeks ago. I am taking 4 online classes and 2 classes on campus. The online classes are KILLER, but I keep telling myself that this experience is like cough medicine. You just have to do it and get it over with!
Online I'm taking:

  •             Foundations Capstone. This class is amazing! The point of this course is to help students think a little deeper, a little bit more outside of the box, and to help us learn how to discuss with others our feelings on tough moral topics.
  • New Testament. Pretty self explanatory. This class is just to study the New Testament. I love it.
  • Natural Hazards. Within this class I am learning a lot about natural hazards, disasters, and catastrophes. Lots of reading, not enough time, but still great. I'm learning how to use google earth, so thats new and fun. 
  • Environmental Stewardship. Learning about how to better take care of the earth we live in. Great so far.:) 
-After this semester I will be done with my foundations classes, those are the core classes here at BYU-I, and I will mainly be taking art classes. :) Happy day! 

On campus: 
  • Figure drawing. I am loving learning about the human figure and how beautifully it was created. I could talk about this class all day...
  • Medieval Art. This is an art history class. Pretty self explanatory. A lot to learn and really exciting material. 
Matt is busy as well. He is working on campus in the Graphic Services department. He loves his job there and he works with some really great people. He is also working on a few freelancing jobs. One job is creating a new logo for a photographer based out of Utah, Jason McGrew Photography. Another job that he is currently working on involves creating 25 illustrations for a book that a doctor and his lovely wife are looking to publish. Along with work, Matt is going to start playing soccer on the competitive league here at school. LOVE THAT! I love going to his games! He is also working on his BFA project for when he graduates. 
AND on top of all of that, he has said that he wants to take on the task of planning and cooking dinners since my time is lacking! Seriously, he is the sweetest man. He is going to start this week and I am so excited because he won't tell me anything that he has planned, it's all a secret hush hush!


I've been thinking a lot about this recently and it's not what I want it to be, so I'm going to change it. I think it is very informative of our lives, but I want to make it more about our art  and our thoughts so that whoever reads can get to know us better as people. So be prepared! I don't know how I am going to change it yet, but it will be getting a face lift soon and I am excited! 

Quote from today that really inspired me: "You have no need to worry about the economy if you are making sure that you are living the Commandments and working on your relationship with God." -Elder Webb during Stake Conference this morning. 


  1. I loved that same quote. I like hearing what's going on in your lives...even though I should already know these things. Hang in there with your crazy schedule. Just think where you were this time a year ago.

  2. I like hearing what is going on in your life and it is just hard to get together and tell each other all of the little details! I'll be sad when you guys leave.
