I do not express enough how thankful I am to have the freedom I have. This semester, I am taking a class that is centered around learning about the developing world. Each class I am blown away by how many rights and liberties our country has to offer compared to many third world countries. Right now I, and my group, are studying Rwanda. Rwanda has an election coming up this year and the people cannot vote NOR can they rally publicly for the person they would prefer to be elected. In China there are millions of people who work hundreds of hours of overtime and barely get paid for the time they worked, many times they have to skip lunch, and are subject live in small "dorms" assigned to them with multiple other people. In Ladakh, India, children are JUST NOW being introduced to formal schooling because of globalization. In America, I have been able to leave my house without having to cover my face. In America, I have been able to attend college instead of having to work in a sweat shop to support my brother's college career. In America, I have been able to speak publicly about the President without fear of being arrested. In America, I have been given numerous rights and liberties by our Founding Fathers...I have been blessed beyond my understanding because I live in America.
Saturday night Matt and I went to Idaho Falls to watch the fireworks. OH MY GOODNESS...they were the BEST fireworks I have ever seen. They went on for, give or take, 40 minutes and every firework was spectacular. Along with the fireworks show, there was an amazing radio broadcast of songs, quotes, and interesting facts, that you could listen to through your car radio. For the next few years that we are here in Idaho, I hope that we can continue to attend this AMAZING show!
Not only were the fireworks amazing, but this whole weekend was jam packed with fun things! Friday night we got together with a bunch of couples from our ward and played an EXTREME game of kickball. After losing, NOT that it is about winning or losing, Matt, Jesse, Jessica, and I went to Snoasis for some sweet shaved ice and then over to Jesse and Jessica's place to watch Toy Story. It was pretty darn late, past MY bedtime, and so I struggled to keep my eyelids from slipping down over my eyes throughout the whole movie!
Saturday, aside from watching fireworks, we were finally able to get over to the mall in Idaho Falls so that we could have Matt's ring sized. YAY!
Sunday was AH-MA-ZING. The spirit was particularly strong in every meeting, but especially during Sacrament Meeting. Towards the end, a sweet old woman walked her way up to the stand and bore her incredible testimony. There was an immense amount of conviction and wisdom behind her words. I wish that I could have what she said on tape.
Monday we were invited to go to the lake (I forgot the lakes name) and join in on a fun lunch and games. Almost everyone from Friday night's kickball game and more were at the lake. The highlight of our time there, for me, was the volleyball game. I was able to see and get to know sides of the members that I hadn't been able to see before. I'm learning that we could get together with any group from our ward and it would be a blast...this is seriously the best ward out there...sorry for all of those not in it ;p.
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