Head Drawing
Art History II
Educational Psychology
Old Testament
Natural Disasters
Media Experimentation
I think this is going to be a fun semester. I know it will be beyond overwhelming at times, but I'm excited! Head drawing is probably the most intimidating class to me. Leon Parson teaches it, brother to Del Parson, and he is a phenomenal teacher who expects NOTHING but the best. It is also my first night class and if you know me well enough, you know that will be a tad difficult for me, haha. Matt and I are taking it together, so wish us luck!
I can't believe that this semester is already coming to and end when it feels like it only just begun. What a crazy semester this has been. It feels like one thing after another comes up. At times I wonder if life will always be this busy. For my sanity, I assume it won't. Today I was thinking about semester as a whole and realized that when certain things were hard, other things became extremely easy. It is amazing how Heavenly Father helps us in that way, making life something that can be manageable and balanced.
Matt's health has not done well with the stress of this semester. After going to the doctors for the third time today, he has finally been diagnosed: Mono. As great as it is to have a diagnosis, I wish it was not such a long lasting sickness. Poor guy, he's so sick and tired of being sick and tired! I mean really, who wants to be sick for an extended period of time, and have finals on top of that!? He is doing well in positivity though. He never ceases to amaze me at how positive he can stay when so much is going on. I mean, I can guarantee I would be such a whiny sick person if I had mono and he just apologizes for being sick! I think there should be a rule where a person cannot apologize for being sick.
Today we took Sketch to the vet to be nuetered. It was
the saddest thing. I don't know why I felt so bad, but it was hard to leave him. I realized in that moment that I'm going to be THAT mom. That mom that cries when her first baby gets his/her shots. haha. I hope I grow to be a little tougher! ha
The reason this post is so long is because I am sitting here in the photo lab with my hubby while he prints a project that he has been working on (amazing project by the way). It was suppose to be fast, but with our luck lately, the color got all wonky and now he is working on adjusting everything. I came here with nothing to keep me occupied, so I have found myself just ranting here on the blog.
Right now my toe is throbbing. I had to dress up for my History and Philosophy of Education class today since I was giving an oral presentation and so I wore heels. I never wear heels. I hate heels. But I thought all would be fine because technically they were wedges. WELL, that was a big fat mistake because now I have a huge open blister on the top of my big toe. Sad, I know.
I've been thinking a lot about college lately as I walk the campus. I look around at the people I'm walking by and try to guess what their major is. It is so fun to be here, to be surrounded by so many talented people. Sometimes I like to go into the buildings that I don't have any classes in and just look around. I like to go in the Benson and look at the animal display, and the Romney to look at the rock display. I like to sit back and admire the talents of the other majors, some talents that I absolutely lack. Right now I am taking a sewing class and have grown to appreciate the sewing kids since I have realized just how hard it is! SO HARD! That dang sewing machine and I just don't always get along, ha. But this is why I love college, I love being surrounded by all of these other talents. I love appreciating them. I love learning from them. I sit next to a math major in my education class, and it is the funniest thing. Math and art typically don't mix and whenever we try to communicate, haha, it usually just doesn't work. SO funny.
Oh, well looks like Matt is done. Time to go off on some last minute adventures of the night. Hopefully the adventures end soon, my eyes are getting heavy...